Info Pandeglang

Informasi Terkini Seputar Kota Pandeglang


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mapan Dulu Atau Nikah Dulu ? Berikut Pengalaman Singkat

Mapan Dulu Atau Nikah Dulu
Mapan dulu atau Nikah dulu?

Terinspirasi dari sebuah buku "7 Keajaiban Rezeki" dari Ippho Santosa (saya rekomendasikan buku ini bagi kamu, top abis deh), saya menemukan sesuatu yang menarik di dalamnya yang tak jauh dari masalah pernikahan.

Kemapanan sebelum menikah tentunya sangat diidam-idamkan oleh wanita maupun laki-laki, hmm... apa lagi yang namanya laki-laki, banyak yang gak mau nikah ka...rna belum mapan. Dan uniknya, ini karna doktrin dari para wanita, karena wanita ingin laki-laki yang mapan sebelum menikah agar pernikahannya lancar. Lah nikah karena cinta apa karena kemapanan sih aslinya?

Susahnya lagi bukan hanya pasangan yang ingin menikah saja yang memikirkan hal ini, tapi orang tua mereka pun seolah tak mau ketinggalan dalam masalah ini. Yang paling menarik ketika orang tua justru berbicara mempesimiskan dan jauh dari keyakinan rezeki dalam kendali Allah, 'Belum mapan udah mau nikah, memangnya mau makan batu?' Wow, telak kena di hati.

Bisa jadi karna pikiran kamu terlalu sempit tentang rezeki atau ketidak pahaman bahwa Allah sudah mengatur rezeki pada diri masih-masing makhlukNya, saya ngnya pemahaman sederhana pun tidak diandasi sikap yakin dan percaya bahwa Allah selalu akan memudahkan jalan bagi orang-orang yang ingin mengikuti sunnah Rasulullah SAW.

Mapan ukuran kemapanan dari kamu mungkin berbeda-beda. Ada yang sebelum punya rumah belum mapan, belum kerja berarti belum mapan. Kalau nunggu itu semua, terus kapan ada pikiran nikah, sedangkan hal dunia seperti itu tak bisa langsung didapatkan harus menanti proses.

Sudah banyak yang membuktikan bahwa mapan sebelum menikah tidaklah menentukan sebuah rezeki setelah menikah, justru banyak yang telah menikah membuktikan setelah menikah rezeki begitu mudah mengalir. Tidak ada yang tahu rezeki kamu itu seberapa, lalu kenapa kamu takut menikah jika kamu masih memikirkan harta dunia?

"Kamu itu belum punya apa-apa,istrimu nanti mau kamu kasih makan apa? Batu?" Perkataan ibu ku membuatku tertunduk, namun aku yang masih kuliah ini tetap menginginkan untuk menikah.

"Masa iya Allah tega ngelihat hambaNya makan batu Bu," aku masih membela diri.

"Sudahlah Nak, kuliah dulu yang bener terus cari kerja baru mikirin nikah."

"Umur berapa tuh Bu, kalo aku gak dapet kerja, gak nikah-nikah donk?!"

"Pasti nikah Nak, tapi tunggulah sampai kamu benar-benar bisa mencukupi keluargamu nanti."

"Saat ini juga aku ngerasa mampu kok Bu, aku bisa kuliah sambil jualan, calon isteriku juga pasti mau ngertiin aku"

"Ya sudahlah nak, itu terserah kamu."

Kisah di atas adalah sebuah pengalaman nyata dari seorang sahabatnya dan faktanya ketika mereka menikah, mereka tidak sampai makan batu tuh. Mereka malah sekarang bisa buka usaha sendiri dan tentunya karna mereka percaya dengan rezeki dari Allah SWT. Dan bukan hanya satu pasangan yang meyakini hal ini, banyak pasangan nikah muda yang sudah merasakan keajaiban rezeki setelah menikah.

So... Bagaimana denganmu? (sendy aldiana)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Definition of Leadership in a Organization

Leadership is excellence a person or a few individuals in the group, in the process of controlling the symptoms of social
Brown (1936) found that leaders can not be separated from the group, but should be viewed as a position with high potential in the field. In the same case, Krech and Crutchfield saw that by virtue of a special position in the group he served as the primary agent for the determination of the structure of the group, group atmosphere, group goals, ideological groups, and group activities.
Leadership as a The ability to handle another person to obtain maximum results with minimum friction and great teamwork, leadership is a strength of spirit / moral, creative and focused.
Leaders are individuals who have a program / plan and with other members of the group moves to achieve goals in a certain way.
It comes two questions into the debate about the leader,
Is a leader born or the place?
Is a person's leadership effectiveness can be transferred from one organization to another by the same leader?
To answer the first question we look at some of the following opinions:
Parties who argues that "leaders are born" to see that someone would just be an effective leader because he was born with leadership talent.
Kubu which states that "leaders are formed and forged" argues that leadership effectiveness can be formed and forged one. The trick is to provide ample opportunity to those concerned to foster and develop leadership effectiveness through a variety of educational activities and leadership training.
Sondra (1994) concluded that a person would only be an effective leader if:
someone has been genetically leadership talents
talents are nurtured and developed through opportunities for leadership positions
supported by theoretical knowledge acquired through education and training, both public and involving leadership theory.
To answer these two questions arise can be formulated two categories, of course, should be studied further:
The success of someone leading an organization by itself can dilaihkan to leadership by the same people in other organizations
The success of a person to lead the organization is not a guarantee of success led other organizations.

Types of Leadership:

Type autocratic
All scientists who seek to understand the terms of autocratic leadership said that the leader is seen as a relatively autocratic characteristic of a negative.
Judging from the autocratic perception of a leader is someone who is very selfish. An authoritarian leader who will address the attitude that highlight "ego", among others, in the form of:
tendency to treat their subordinates with other tools in the organization, such as the engine, and thus the less respect the dignity of their
pengutmaan orientation towards the implementation and completion of tasks without linking the implementation of the task to the interests and needs of their subordinates.
Neglect the role of subordinates in decision making processes.
Leadership style autocratic leaders used include:
demanding full obedience from his subordinates
enforcing discipline showed ego
worded in giving orders or instructions
punitive approach dalamhal terhadinya irregularities by subordinates.

Leadership Theory

Leadership comes from the lead which contains two main points are:

leader as a subject, and.

led as objects.

The word implies direct lead, develop or manage, lead and also show or affect. Leaders have a responsibility, both physically and spiritually to the success of the work activity led, so being a leader is not easy and will not everyone has equality in running the pemimpinannya.
Myths Leader

Myth is the leader of the views or beliefs of society that is attached to the image of a leader. This myth is realized or not affect the development of leaders in the organization.

There are 3 (three) myths that developed in the community, the myth of the Birthright, the For All - Seasons, and the Intensity. Myth of the Birthright holds that leaders are born and not produced (educated). This myth is dangerous for the development of regeneration leaders as deemed fit to be a leader is a person who is born as a leader by nature, so it is not born as a leader does not have the opportunity to be a leader

Myth of the For All - Seasons holds that once a person is a leader forever he will be a successful leader. In fact, the success of a leader in one situation and circumstances are not necessarily the same as the other circumstances. Myth of the Intensity view that a leader must be able to be firm and stern because it was essentially a new worker will work if driven hard way. In fact violence affects labor productivity increased only at the beginning, just beginning, so productivity can not be guaranteed. Violence in fact, can grow to be the compulsion to reduce work productivity.
Leader Attributes

In general, personal attributes or the character that should be there or inherent in a leader are:

qualified, that has the capacity and capability that was better than the people they lead,

champions, meaning that a proven record of academic and non-academic balk that was better than the people they lead,

tangungjawab, it means having the ability and willingness of higher responsibility than the people they lead,

active, it means having the ability and willingness to participate in social and active socializing was better than those of people with a lead, and

although not necessarily, better socioeconomic status higher than the people they lead.

Nevertheless, variations of personal attributes may vary from one organization's situation with other organizations. Organizations with certain characters and situations demands a leader who has a variety of specific attributes as well.

According to the Nature of Leadership Theory (Trait Theory)

Studies of sifat-sifat/ciri-ciri first attempt to identify the physical characteristics, personality traits, and the ability of people believed to be a natural leader. Hundreds of studies of the properties / characteristics has been done, but sifat-sifat/ciri-ciri does not have a strong and consistent leadership to the success of a person. Research on the nature / characteristics do not pay attention to the question of how the nature / characteristics that interact as an integrator of personality and behavior or how the situation to determine the relevance of the different properties / traits and abilities for the success of a leader.

Various opinions about sifat-sifat/ciri-ciri ideal for a leader to have been discussed in these learning activities including a review of some of the qualities / characteristics of the ideal.
According Leadership Behavior Theory (Behavioral Theory)

For three decades, beginning in the early 1950's, research on the behavior of leaders has been dominated by a focus on a small number of aspects of the behavior. Most studies on leadership behavior during this period using a questionnaire to measure the task-oriented behavior and relationship oriented. Several studies have been conducted to see how the behavior associated with leadership effectiveness criteria such as subordinate satisfaction and performance. Other researchers using laboratory or field experiments to investigate how the behavior of a leader affects the subordinate satisfaction and performance. If we look at, the only findings that are consistent and somewhat stronger than the theory of this behavior is that the leaders are attentive to have more satisfied subordinates.

The results of the Ohio State University leadership studies indicate that leader behavior is essentially leads to two categories: consideration and initiating structure. The results of the Michigan University showed that the behavior of leaders have a tendency to subordinate oriented and production-oriented / results. Meanwhile, the leadership continuum models and Likert's Management System demonstrates how leadership behaviors towards subordinates in decision making. On the other hand, managerial grid, which graphically depict the actual criteria used by Ohio State University and the orientation used by the Michigan University. According to this theory, the behavior of the leader basically consists of its centerpiece behavior to human behavior and its focus on production.

Contingency Theory (Contigensy Theory)

Contingency theories assume that different patterns of leadership behavior (or characteristics) needed in a variety of situations for leadership effectiveness. Path-Goal Theory of leadership examines how four aspects of leadership behaviors affect the satisfaction and motivation of followers. In general, leaders motivate followers by influencing their perceptions about the possible consequences of the various efforts. When followers believe that the results can be obtained with a serious business and that such efforts will be successful, it is likely to do business. Other aspects such as the nature of the task situation, work environment and follower characteristics determine the success rate of this type of leadership behavior to improve customer satisfaction and business followers.

LPC of Fiedler's Contingency Model related to soften the effects of the three situational variables on the relationship between a trait leader (LPC) and the performance of followers. According to this model, leaders berskor high LPC is more effective for situations that are moderately favorable, whereas leaders with low LPC scores will be more profitable in both situations favorable or unfavorable. Leader Member Exchange Theory explains how leaders develop exchange relationships in different situations with different followers. Hersey and Blanchard Situational Theory focuses on the followers. This theory emphasizes the behavior of leaders in carrying out the task of leadership and leader follower relationship.

Leader Participation Model describes how the behavior of the leaders in the decision making process related to the variable situations. This model analyzes the different types of situations that may be faced by a leader in his leadership duties. The emphasis on leadership behaviors someone who is flexible according to the situation at hand.

Attributes of Leadership Theory

Attribution theory of leadership suggests that leadership is merely an attribution that people make or the leader of the other individuals who worked under him.

Several theories of attribution is still recognized by many people, namely:

Related inference theory (Correspondensi Inference), the behavior of others is a rich source of information.

Resource theory of attention in consciousness (Conscious attentional Resources) that the process of perception occurs in cognition people doing perception (observation).

Internal and external attribution theory advanced by Kelly & Micella, 1980 which is the theory that focuses on common sense.

Charismatic Leadership

Charisma is an attribution that comes from the interactive process between leaders and followers. Attributes such as charisma confidence, strong confidence, poise, speaking ability, and the more important is that these attributes and the leader's vision is relevant to the needs of the followers.

Various theories of charismatic leadership has been discussed in this learning activity. The theory of charismatic leadership of House stressed to personal identification, generating motivation by leaders and leaders influence the goals and the confidence of the followers. Attribution theory of charisma is more about personal identification as a major influence and internalization process as a secondary process. The theory of self-concept emphasizes the internalization of values, social identification and influence on the ability of self-leadership with only a slight role for personal identification. Meanwhile, the social contagion theory to explain the behavior of the followers are influenced by such leaders as possible through personal identification and other followers are influenced by the process of social contagion. On the other hand, the psychoanalytic explanation of charisma made it clear to us that the influence of the leader comes from personal identification with the leader.

Charisma is a phenomenon. There are several approaches that can be used by a charismatic leader for charism merutinisasi although difficult to implement. Charismatic leadership has a positive or negative impact on the followers and organizations.

Leadership Trnasformasional

Transforming leader (transforming leaders) trying to raise awareness of the followers by pointing to the ideals and moral values ​​are higher.

Burns and Bass have described transformational leadership in organizations and distinguish transformational leadership, charismatic and transactional. Transformational leaders make the followers become more sensitive to the value and importance of the work, activating the needs at a higher level and lead the followers more interested in the organization. The result is the followers feel the confidence and respect for the leader, as well as motivated to do something beyond what is expected of her. Transformational effects achieved using charisma, inspirational leadership, diindividualisasi attention and intellectual stimulation.

The results Bennis and Nanus, Tichy and Devanna has provided some clarity on how transformational leaders change the culture and strategies of an organization. In general, transformational leaders to formulate a vision, develop a commitment to it, implement strategies to achieve that vision, and instill new values.

Typology of Leadership Based Socio-Psychological Conditions

Socio-psychological conditions are all external and internal conditions that exist at the time of the appearance of a leader. In terms of socio-psychological conditions can be classified into the leader group leaders (leaders of crowds), the leader of the student / student (student leaders), public leaders (public leaders), and women leaders (women leaders). Each type of leader can still be made sub-type. Sub-types of group leaders are: compeller crowd, crowd exponent and representative crowd.

Sub-type of leader pupil / student is: the explorer president, the take-charge president, the organization president, and the moderators. Sub-types there are several public leaders, namely:

According Pluto: timocratic, plutocratic, and tyrannical

According to Bell, et al: formal leader, reputational leaders, social leaders, and Influential Leader

According J.M. Burns, there are legislative leaders are: ideologues, tribunes, careerist, and parliementarians.

According to Kincheloe, Prophet or Apostle also includes a public leader, who has a very prominent capability that distinguishes a leader not a prophet or apostle, namely in terms of generating confidence and respect for followers to enthusiastically follow and emulate the teachings he had brought all the attitude and behavior.

Another type of leader who is the leader of women, which clung to 4 setereotip society, namely as: the earth mother, the manipulator, the workaholic, and the egalitarian.

Based Leadership Personality Typology

Personality typology based leadership can be classified into two major groups, namely typology Myers - Briggs typology based on the scale and the CPI (California Personality Inventory). Myers - Briggs personality types are grouped based on the concept developed by Jung psychoanalysis, namely: extrovert - introvert, sensing - intuitive, thinking - feeling, judging - perceiving. This personality type then he studied in the United States and obtained a manager type of leader personality based on the following:

ISTJ: Introverted - sensing - thinking - judging

ESTJ: extrovert - sensing - thinking - judging

ENTJ: extrovert - intuitive - thinking - judging

INTJ: Introverted - intuitive - thinking - judging

Then, using the type of personality that is organized around the concept of psychoanalysis Jung, Delunas do research on managers and ekesekutif state, based on the type of leader and group personality as follows:

Sensors - perceivers

Sensors - judgers

Intuitive - thinkers

Intuitive - feelers

Another personality typology is as prepared using the scale CPI (California Personality Invetory) were grouped into the type of leader: a leader, innovator, saint, and artist.

Typology Based on Leadership Style Leadership

There are four groups, arranged on leadership typology of leadership styles, namely typology Blake - Mouton, Reddin typology, typology Bradford - Cohen, and typology Leavitt. According to Blake - Mouton type of leader can be divided into types:

Relationship Orientation Leader Low Extreme, Extreme High task orientation,

Relationship Orientation Leader High Extreme, Extreme Low task orientation,

Relationship Orientation Leader Low Extreme, Extreme Low task orientation,

Relationship Orientation Leader Moderate, Moderate task orientation, and

Relationship Orientation Leader High Extreme, Extreme High task orientation

Then Reddin doing further development on this typology, and find the type of leader as follows: deserter, missionary, compromiser, bureaucrat, benevolent autocrat, developers, and executive. While Bradford and Cohen split into the type of leader: technician, conductor, and developers. Leadership typology developed by Leavitt divided into the type of leader: pathfinders, problem solvers, and Implementers.

Typology Based Leadership Role Function and Behavior

Typology leader based functions, roles, and behavior of leaders is composed typology pemimpn personal interaction with the starting point in the group. These types of leaders in this typology can be divided into groups based on the type of function, based on the role, and based on the behavior shown by the leader. Based on his behavior, the type of leader are grouped in the type of leader who expressed by: Cattell and Stice; S. Levine; Clarke; Komaki, Zlotnik and Jensen. Based on the function, the type of leader can be categorized into groups by the type of leader who stated: Bales and Slater; Roby; Shutz; Cattell; Bowes and Seashore. Based on their role, the type of leader can be categorized into groups by the type of leader who stated: Benne and sheats, and Mintzberg.

Type paternalistic

Type of paternalistic leader only in communities that are traditional, agrarian generally in society. One of the main characteristics of traditional masuarakat is high respect anggiota addressed by society to a parent or someone who is elder.
Such fatherly leader, as a role model or a model society. Usually tiokoh traditional stores, the scholars and teachers. Leader is to develop an attitude of togetherness.

Type Charismatic
There are not many things that can be seen from the existing literature on charismatic leadership criteria. It does have unique characteristics that are very alluring appeal so as to gain followers whose numbers are sometimes very large. Strictly speaking a charismatic leader is someone who is admired by many followers though his followers are not always able to explain in concrete terms why people are admired.

Type of Laissez Faire
This leader is generally held that the organization will run smoothly on its own because the members of the organization made up of people who've grown up knowing what the goals of the organization, what goals you want to achieve, what tasks must be accomplished by each member and leaders are not too frequent intervention.
Characteristics of this type and style of leadership are:
delegation of authority occurs extensively
decision left to the head of the lower authorities and the operational personnel, except in certain things that obviously requires direct involvement.
Organizational status quo is not disturbed
Growth and development of thinking skills and innovative bertindah submitted to the members of the organization in question itself.
Throughout and for the members of the organization exhibit the behavior and work performance is adequate, the organization's leadership interventions are at a minimum.

Democratic Study
The democratic leader is usually looked at its role as a coordinator and integrator of various elements and components of the organization.
Realizing that inevitably organization should be structured in such a way that clearly describe a variety of tasks and activities that can not be done to achieve the goal.
Seeing the trend of the division of roles according to the level.
Treat people in a humane manner and uphold human dignity
A respected democratic leaders instead of feared.

Of the characteristics of the ideal leader and leadership, among others:
Broad general knowledge, the higher one's position in the hierarchy of organizational leadership, he increasingly required to be able to think and act as generalists.
Growing and Developing Capabilities

Inquisitive attitude or curiosity, is an attitude that reflects two things: first, not satisfied with the level of knowledge, and second, the willingness and desire to explore and find new things.

Analytical ability, leadership effectiveness person is no longer in its ability to carry out the operational activities of a technical nature, but rather in her ability to think. How and thinking skills needed dalah the integrative, strategic and problem solving oriented.

Strong Memory, leaders must have the ability intelligentsia, which is above the average ability of the people they lead, one form of intellectual ability is a good memory.
Integrative capacity, the leader must be an integrator and has a holistic view of orgainasi.

Effective Communication Skills, communication functions within the organization include: the function of motivation, emotion expression functions, functions of information delivery and monitoring functions.

Educate skills, have the ability to use the opportunity to improve their subordinates, changing attitudes and behavior and improve his dedication to the organization.

Rationality, the higher one's position, the greater the managerial demands on him to prove his ability to think. Result thought it would take effect not only within the organization, but also in relation to the organization with the parties concerned on the outside of the organization.

Objectivity, leaders are expected and even demanded role as father and mentor to his subordinates. One key to the success of a leader in driving the organization lies in its ability to act objectively.

Pragmatism, in organizational life, pragmatic attitude is usually manifested in the following forms: first, the ability to set goals and targets that are within range of the ability to achieve meaningful set realistic goals and objectives without compromising ideals. Second, accept the reality if the way of life does not always achieve the expected results.
Determining the ability of Priority, which is usually the starting point is the organizational strategic "SWOT".
Ability Distinguishing the Urgent and the Important
Right Instincts, kekampuannya to choose the right time to do or not do something.
Sense of cohesion is high,: sepenanggungan same boat ", keterikan one another.
Relevance of high taste, the leader is able to think and act so that the things he does have a high relevance and directly with the achievement of business goals and objectives of the organization.
Example, s someone who deserves to be rated as a role model and example of the attitude, behavior and conduct.
Being a Good Listener
Adaptability, leadership is always situational, conditional, temporal and spatial.
Flexibility, able to make changes in how we think, how to act, attitude and behavior to suit the demands of the particular circumstances faced without sacrificing the principles of life are followed by someone.
Future Orientation
Anticipatory and proactive attitude

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Seminar KIP (Keterbukaan Informasi Publik) Pandeglang

Seminar tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik digelar di Gedung DPRD Kabupaten Pandeglang

Seminar KIP (Keterbukaan Informasi Publik) Pandeglang
source humas pandeglang

INFO PANDEGLANG, Seminar Publik yang bertema Keterbukaan dan Pelayanan Publik dalam mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat dibuka dan digelar hari ini (Selasa, 13/04) di Gedung DPRD Kabupaten Pandeglang, acara seminar yang digabungkan dengan Review PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan dan P2KP Advanced ini dibuka oleh Bupati Pandeglang H.Erwan Kurtubi.

Acara yang dilaksanakan oleh Konsultan PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan Advanced bekerjasama dengan Bappeda dan Pengurus Cabang Gerakan Pemuda Anshor Pandeglang ini, dihadiri oleh Kepala Bappeda Kabupaten Pandeglang Aah Wahid Maulani, sejumlah kepala dinas (kadis) dan para perwakilan kepala bidang (kabid), LSM, OKP dan sejumlah Ormas lainnya, termasuk para pelaksana program PNPM di wilayah Kabupaten Pandeglang.

Narasumber yang akan memaparkan materi diantaranya Staf Ahli Gubernur Banten Kurdi Martin dan Direktur Indonesian Institute for Civil Society (INCIS) Ace Hasan Sadzili. Bupati Pandeglang H.Erwan Kurtubi dalam sambutannya mengatakan ” Pelayanan Prima merupakan salah satu Output dari sebuah Proses Good Governance di Era Reformasi ini, dan secara Otomatis telah menjadi sebuah paradigma dan Etos Kerja Aparatur Pemerintah disemua lini, tak terkecuali dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Pandeglang” ujarnya.

“Keterbukaan informasi publik merupakan sarana dalam mengoptimalkan pengawasan publik terhadap penyelenggaraan negara dan Badan Publik terhadap penyelenggaraan negara dan badan publik lain yang segala se3suatunya berakibat kepada kepentingan publik pula. Dan sebagaimana di informasikan dibeberapa media bahwa indonesia merupakan negara ke -76 yang mengadopsi dan meratifikasi prinsip-prinsip kebebasan informasi. Sesungguhnya hal ini merupakan salah satu indikator kemajuan dalam mendorong tata kelola pemerintahan yang transparan dan akuntabel” lanjutnya.

Sementara itu menurut Direktur Indonesian Institute for Civil Society (INCIS) Ace Hasan Sadzili mengatakan bahwa, ”Sudah saatnya mindset (pola Pikir) bahwa Pejabat atau Pegawai Publik yang saat ini dianggap sebagai orang yang harus dilayani, sudah saatnya image itu dirubah, mereka harus memposisikan dirinya sebagai pelayan, hal ini untuk menciptakan good goverment (pemerintahan yang baik)” ujarnya.

“Dengan merubah image dan mindset seperti itu,maka masyarakat sebagai subjek pembangunan, akan dengan mudah mendapatkan keterbukaan informasi, termasuk soal APBD dan program-program pembangunan daerah, untuk menciptakan good government, tentunya tidak harus tergantung kepada pemerintah, karena untuk menciptakan itu ada tiga unsur di dalamnya, diantaranya State (pemerintah), Civil Society (masyarakat social) dan market (pelaku usaha)” lanjutnya.

Dalam kesempatan itu pula, nara sumber lainnya, staf ahli Gubernur Banten Bidang Pemerintahan Kurdi Matin mengatakan, semua Undang-Undang itu lebih kepada hak-hak publik. “Di Provinsi Banten sudah ada SK Gubernur tentang pembentukan tim seleksi anggota komisi transparansi atau sejenisnya, tinggal mengaplikasikannya saja,” ujarnya.

Ia juga mengharapkan, reses yang selama ini dilakukan anggota dewan hendaknya tidak hanya dijadikan sebagai ajang serap aspirasi masyarakat, tetapi lebih daripada itu DPRD harus bisa memberikan solusi bagi kondisi masyarakatnya lanjutnya. (iim-humas)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Peninggalan Belanda di Menes - Pandeglang

Sejarah Menes
Menes mempunyai banyak sejarah, hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyak peninggalan-peninggalan yang terdapat di Menes dari Zaman Megalitikum, Zaman Purba, Zaman Hindu- Budha, Zaman Kesultanan Islam hingga Zaman Penjajahan.

Menes berasal dari kata KAMONESAN, kata dasar mones, yang memiliki dua makna, Aneh dan kemasuran.

Di Menes terdapat situs peninggalan zaman Megalitikum yang disebut situs saghiank dengdek di lereng gunung pulosari, yang diprediksi berumur 4500 SM (sebelum masehi), situs Batu Go'ong Citaman peninggalan kerajaan Hindu-Budha, yang sampai sekarang belum ada yang dapat memperkirakan usia batu tersebut. Situs Batu Tulis Muruy, masyarakat mempercayai bahwa batu tersebut bertuliskan arab pada zaman keislaman, situs Alaswangi dan situs talaga yang berada di tegal baros merupakan benda sejarah megalitikum. Susunan batu datar berbentuk memanjang dengan sebuah singgasana batu. Sandaran singgasana batu berbentuk segilima, saat ini dalam keadaan miring. Penduduk setempat menyebut altar itu leluhur Menes.

Sedangkan pada zaman kesultanan banyak terdapat masjid-masjid yang dibuat pada zaman itu sekitar abad 14 Masehi, yang usianya ratusan tahun. Selain itu di Menes banyak pondok pesantren salafiah yang masih mengakar, hampir di tiap desa terdapat pondok pesantren salafiah yang usianya telah turun temurun. Selain itu terdapat pula batu nisan yang usianya ratusan tahun. Diantaranya makam:
  1. Syech Holil
  2. Syech Kibuyut Tanding
  3. Syech Abdul Ghani Bima Menes
  4. Tumenggung Muhammad Menes
Bentuk peninggalan zaman Belanda adalah Kewadanan yang berdiri di pusat kecamatan yang sekarang dijadikan sebagai kantor kecamatan. Alun-alun Menes, Tangsi atau kantor kepolisian yang sudah dipugar. Rumah Kepolisian, Stasiun kereta api di Kampung Benteng, dan rel yang panjang. Rumah-rumah peninggalan zaman belanda yang masih ada, Sebuah Tower Ringgo yang terletak di depan kantor telkom dan polsek menes, dan masih banyak peninggalan lainnya. [id.wikipedia]

Kewadanan/Pendopo Kecamatan Menes

gedung pendopo kecamatan menes
source: humas pandeglang

Bangunan ini berfungsi sebagai gedung dinas Camat kecamatan Menes. Mempunyai kesamaan bentuk dan arsitektur yang terdapat pada gedung Pendopo Kecamatan Pandeglang, gedung pendopo Kawedanaan Menes dan gedung Pendopo Kecamatan Saketi. Luas kawasan Kecamatan Menes ini ± 500 m2. Terletak di Jalan Alun-alun Timur, Kelurahan Purwaraja, Kecamatan Menes.

Di depan bangunan utama terdapat sebuah bangunan berbentuk joglobertiang dua belas buah tiang kecil. Bangunan ini tidak berdinding penuh, dinding terdapat pada tiap sudut bangunan yang masing-masing menempel pada tiga tiang. Sementara bangunan utama mempunyai empat persegi dan pada puncaknya terdapat limas. Bangunan ini mempunyai dinding pada setiap sisinya. Sebagian dinding bagian bawahnya diberi lapisan batu andesit. Sampai saat ini tanggal pendirian bangunan belum diketahui, karena belum ada sumber-sumber yang memadai. Tetapi diperkirakan sekitar tahun 1848, sezaman dengan bangunan pemerintahan kolonial yang ada di wilayah Menes.

Jarak tempuh untuk mencapai ke lokasi ini sekitar 64 km dari pusat Ibu Kota provinsi atau 28 km dari Ibu Kota kabupaten. [Humas Pandeglang]

Gedung Penjara/Eks Sipir Belanda

source: humas pandeglang

Di antara bangunan bangunan kuno di sekitar Alun-Alun Menes, bekas gedung Sipir Belanda ini tampak unik dibandingkan bangunan yang sezaman. Bangunan ini termasuk bagian dari bangunan-bangunan kolonial yang masih tersisa yang diperkirakan dibangun sekitar tahun 1848. Sisa-sisa dari keseluruhan bangunan masih dapat dilihat di bagian belakang yang masih luas ke belakang.
Kepurbakalaan ini berbentuk bujur sangkar dengan luas 20 m x 12 m. Pada bagian muka terdapat dua jendela dan satu buah pintu masuk. Kedua jendela mempunyai bentuk dan ukuran yang sama, yakni berbentuk persegi panjang dengan bentuk lubang angin seperti setengah lingkaran, yang terletak tepat di atas jendela dan di atas pintu masuk. Jendela diberi jeruji vertikal dan lubang angin berbentuk huruf “V” dan berbentuk setengah lingkaran.

Terdapat dua tiang semu (pilaster) pada sudut bangunan dan dua pilaster yang mengapit bagian pintu. Pilaster ini memiliki hiasan berupa pelipit-pelipit. Pilaster bentuknya mirip pilar sebenarnya, hanya keletakannya yang menyatu dan menjadi bagian dari dinding. Atap bangunan ditutup genting. Terdapat semacam canopy yang menaungi pintu. Bangunan ini berada di Jalan Alun-Alun Barat Menes, Kelurahan Purwaraja, Kecamatan Menes dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 51 km dari Ibu Kota Provinsi, atau kurang lebih 28 km apabila ditempuh dari Kota Pandeglang. [Humas Pandeglang]

- Wikipedia:,_Pandeglang
- Humas Pandeglang:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sejarah dan Profil STAI Babunnajah


Logo Kampus Staibanna
Logo Staibanna

Latar Belakang 
Latar belakang berdirinya STAIBANNA ialah, mengingat kebutuhan masyarakat akan pendidikan terutama dalam basis agama semakin tinggi, sementara perguruan tinggi/Universitas diwilayah Pandeglang masih terbilang kurang/sedikit. 

Alamat Kampus 
Alamat: Jl. Statsion Kereta Api Kp. Benteng RT/RW. 02/05 Menes – Pandeglang - Banten, Telp.(0253) 501675


Pada awal berdirinya tahun 2000, Yayasan Pendidikan Islam membuka lembaga pendidikan tinggi yaitu Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Babunnajah. Keberadaan sekolah tinggi ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi terutama bagi mereka yang memiliki kemampuan ekonomi ‘lemah’. 

Kemudian pada tahun 2005 terdapat keinginan dari pengurus Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Babunnajah (YPI-BN) untuk mengembangkan lembaga pendidikan formal tingkat SLTA, keinginan tersebut kemudian dimusyawarahkan secara internal oleh pengurus yayasan pada tanggal 11 Maret 2005. Berdasarkan hasil musyawarah disepakati pendirian Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Babunnajah dengan beberapa alasan: 1) tingginya minat masyarakat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan pada jenjang SLTA khususnya SMK, 2) rendahnya kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan putra/putrinya ke tingkat SLTA, 3) belum terdapatnya pendidikan sekolah menengah kejuruan berbasis Islami. 

Untuk merealisasikan keinginan tersebut pengurus Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Babunnajah mengeluarkan surat keputusan nomor 11/SK/YPI-BN/V/2005 tanggal 11 Mei 2005 tentang Pendirian Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Babunnajah dan mengangkat saudara Rifyal Ahmad Lugowi, M.Pd sebagai Kepala SMK Babunnajah dengan nomor surat 11/SK/YPI-BN/V/2005 tanggal 11 Mei 2005 tentang Pengangkatan Kepala Sekolah dan Pengurus SMK Babunnajah. 

Pada tahun pertama penerimaan siswa baru SMK Babunnajah mendapatkan kepercayaan masyarakat dengan memperoleh siswa sebanyak 25 orang. Meski izin penyelenggaraan belum dapat dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Pandeglang proses kegiatan belajar mengajar berjalan dengan baik. Baru tahun kedua tahun 2006Izin Penyelenggaraan SMK Babunnajah dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Pandeglang dengan nomor 425.1/1301-Kab/2006 tanggal 11 Oktober 2006. [DP Dce4ever]





STAIBANNA saat ini sudah mulai maju dan berkemabng, terbukti dengan adanya penambahan sarana dan prasarana, serta penambahan Program Studi Assysiyah, kemudian dengan jumlah mahasiswa yang sudah muali banyak dan terbukti pada tahun 2012 kemarin STAIBANNA telah mencetak dan meluluskan sarjana – sarjana (S1) lebih dari 500 mahasiswa. Harapan kami kedepan, Semoga STAIBANNA dapat lebih unggul dan mampu bersaing dengan Universitas/Sekolah Tinggi khususnya di Pandeglang – Banten dan Umumnya di Indonesia.

Dikutip Oleh: Aam Amanah
Mahasiswi STAIBANNA Semester V (Lima) Tarbiyah
Dalam Tugas Mata Kuliah Komputer

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kumpulan Perda Kabupaten Pandeglang

Kumpulan Perda Kabupaten Pandeglang - Berikut beberapa Perda yang ada di kabupaten Pandeglang, mudah-mudahan ini bisa bermanfaat buat para pengunjung yang belum mengetahui peraturan-peraturan daerah khususnya warga/masyarakat kota pandeglang.

Logo Pemerintah Kabupaten Pandeglang
Logo Pemkab Pandeglang

Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2007
  • Perda No. 01 – APBD
  • Perda No. 02 – Pembentukan Kec. Pulosari & Kec. Koroncong
  • Perda No. 03 – Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa
  • Perda No. 04 – Tentang BPD
  • Perda No. 05 – Tata Cara Pencalonan Kepala Desa
  • Perda No. 06 – Penghapusan-Penggabungan-Desa
  • Perda No. 07 – Sumber-Pendapatan-Desa
  • Perda No. 08 – Penataan Kawasan Perdesaan
  • Perda No. 09 – Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa & Kelurahan
  • Perda No. 10 – Pokok-Pokok Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah
  • Perda No. 11 – Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
  • Perda No. 12 – Minuman Keras
  • Perda No. 13 – Pencabutan Perda No. 17-Tarif PDAM
  • Perda No. 14 – Bebas Biaya KTP, Akta & KK
  • Perda No. 15 – Perubahan Ke 2 Prot. Keu. NO 11 TAHUN 2004
  • Perda No. 16 – Retribusi Pelayan Persampahan-Kebersihan
  • Perda No. 17 – Retribusi Pemakaian Kekayaan Daerah
  • Perda No. 18 – WDP
  • Perda No. 19 – Retribusi Terminal
  • Perda No. 20 – Retribusi Parkir
  • Perda No. 21 – Usaha Minyak & Gas Bumi
  • Perda No. 22 – Ijin Lokasi & Penetapan Lokasi
  • Perda No. 23 – Ijin Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air
  • Perda No. 24 – Usaha Pertambangan Umum
  • Perda No. 25 – Pengaturan Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan
  • Perda No. 26 – Pemb. Kec. Majasari & Kec. Sobang
  • Perda No. 27 – Wajib Belajar MDA
  • Perda No. 28 – Pemb.RSU Berkah & RSU Labuan
  • Perda No. 31 – Perubahan-APBD
  • Perda No. 32 – APBD 2008
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2006
  • Perda No. 01 – APBD Tahun 2006
  • Perda No. 02 – Bantuan Keuangan Kepada PARPOL
  • Perda No. 03 – LPJ APBD Tahun 2005
  • Perda No. 04 – Perubahan APBD-2006
  • Perda No. 05 – Perubahan Protokoler DPRD
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2005
  • Perda No. 01 – Pemb. Kec. Sukaresmi, Sindangresmi & Mekarjaya
  • Perda No. 02 – LPJP APBD Tahun 2004
  • Perda No. 03 – Perubahan APBD Tahun 2005
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2004
  • Perda No. 02 – Perubahan APBD Tahun 2004
  • Perda No. 03 – Pembentukan Organisasi Perangkat Daerah
  • Perda No. 04 – Pembentukan Kec. CARITA & KEC. CIBITUNG
  • Perda No. 05 – Retribusi Pelayanan KB
  • Perda No. 07 – Pemanfaatan Kepelabuhan
  • Perda No. 08 – Retribusi Ijin Kepelabuhan
  • Perda No. 09 – JasaPelayanan Kapal
  • Perda No. 14 - RTRW
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2003
  • Perda No. 01 - Perhitungan APBD 2002
  • Perda No. 02 – Pembentukan Kec. KARANGTANJUNG & CIKEDAL
  • Perda No. 04 – PPJ
  • Perda No. 05 – Retribusi Tarif RSU
  • Perda No. 06 – Pembinaan Koperasi & UKM
  • Perda No. 07 – IUJK
  • Perda No. 08 – RUTR Kota Sumur
  • Perda No. 09 – RDTR Kawasan Koridor PDG-SKT-LBN
  • Perda No. 10 – Perubahan Dinas
  • Perda No. 12 – Revisi POLDAS
  • Perda No. 13 – PROPEDA
  • Perda No. 14 – RENSTRADA
  • Perda No. 15 – Pokok2 Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah
  • Perda No. 16 – Minuman Keras
  • Perda No. 17 – Retribusi Tempat Rekreasi
  • Perda No. 18 – Retribusi Ijin Usaha Industri
  • Perda No. 20- APBD 2004
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2002
  • Perda No. 01 – APBD THN 2001
  • Perda No. 05 – Pajak Hotel
  • Perda No. 06 – Pajak Restoran
  • Perda No. 07 – Irigasi
  • Perda No. 09 – APBD Tahun 2003
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2001

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kenali Rampak Bedug Pandeglang

Pengertian Rampak Bedug
Kata "bedug" sudah tidak asing lagi bagi telinga bangsa Indonesia. Bedug terdapat di hampir setiap masjid, sebagai alat atau media informasi datangnya waktu­ shalat wajib 5 waktu. Demikian juga dengan seni bedug semacam ngabedug atau ngadulag sudah akrab di telinga bangsa kita, khususnya lagi bagi telinga kaum muslimin.Tapi "rampak bedug" akan terasa asing, bahkan di telinga masyarakat Muslim sekalipun.Karena rampak bedug hanya terdapat di daerah Banten sebagai ciri khas seni-budayaBanten. Kata "rampak" mengandung arti "serempak" juga banyak. Jadi "rampak bedug"adalah seni bedug dengan menggunakan waditra berupa "banyak" bedug dan ditabuhsecara "serempak" sehingga menghasilkan irama khas yang enak didengar.

 Rampak Bedug Pandeglang
source gambar:

"Rampak Bedug" dapat dikatakan sebagai pengembangan dari seni bedug atau ngadulag. Bila ngabedug dapat dimainkan oleh siapa saja, maka "Rampak Bedug" hanya bisa dimainkan oleh para pemain profesional. Rampak bedug bukan hanya dimainkan di bulan Ramadhan, tapi dimainkan juga secara profesional pada acara-acara hajatan (hitanan, pernikahan) dan hari-hari peringatan kedaerahan bahkan nasional. Rampak bedug merupakan pengiring Takbiran, Ruatan, Marhabaan, Shalawatan (Shalawat Badar), dan lagu-lagu bernuansa religi lainnya.

Maksud dan Fungsi Rampak Bedug
Rampak bedug pertama kali dimaksudkan untuk menyambut bulan suci Ramadhan, persis seperti seni ngabedug, persis seperti seni ngabedug atau ngadulag. Tapi karena merupakan suatu kreasi seni yang genial dan mengundang perhatian penonton, maka seni rampak bedug ini berubah menjadi suati seni yang layak jual, sama dengan seni-seni musik komersial lainnya. Walau para pencetus dan pemainnya lebih didasari oleh motivasi religi, tapi masyarakat seniman dan pencipta seni memandang seni rampakbedug sebagai sebuah karya seni yang patut dihargai.

Rampak bedug selain berfungsi religi, yakni menyemarakan bulan suci Ramadhan dengan alat-alat yang memang dirancang para ulama pewaris Nabi , juga memiliki fungsi rekreasi/hiburan. Tentu saja berbeda dengan ngabedug, rampak bedug memiliki fungsi ekonomis, yakni suatu karya seni yang layak jual. Masyarakat pengguna sudah biasa mengundang seniman rampak bedug untuk memeriahkan acara-acara mereka. Dalam fungsi religi selain menyemarakan Tarawihan adalah sebagai pengiring Takbiran dan Marhabaan.

Sejarah dan Perkembangan Rampak Bedug
Tahun 1950-an merupakan awal mula diadakannya pentas rampak bedug. Pada waktu itu, di Kecamatan Pandeglang pada khususnya, sudah biasa diadakan pertandingan antar kampung. Sampai tahun 1960 rampak bedug masih merupakan hiburan rakyat, persis ngabedug. Kapan rampak bedug diciptakan, mungkin jauh sebelum tahun 1950-an. Siapa pencipta awal rampak bedug ? Ini pun sepertinya tidak dicatat. Bahkan mungkin saja sang creator tidak menyebut-nyebut dirinya. Hanya saja disebut-sebut, bahkan tepatnya di Kecamatan Pandeglang. Kemudian seni ini menyebar ke daerah-daerah sekitarnya, malah hingga ke Kabupaten Serang.

Seni rampak bedug mulai ramai dipertandingkan pada tahun 1955-1960. Kemudian antara tahun 1960-1970 Haji Ilen menciptakan suatu tarian kreatif dalam seni rampak bedug. Rampak bedug yang berkembang saat ini dapat dikatakan sebagai hasil kreasi Haji Ilen dan sampai sekarang Haji Ilen masih ada. Rampak bedug kemudian dikembangkan oleh berempat yaitu : haji Ilen, Burhata (almarhum), juju, dan Rahmat. Hingga akhir tahun 2002 ini sudah banyak kelompok-kelompok pemain rampak bedug. [sumber: informasi wisata dan budaya]

Pemkab Pandeglang Lestarikan Rampak Bedug
Pemerintah Kabupaten Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten, mengajak warga setempat melestarikan kebudayaan peninggalan nenek moyang.

"Banyak kebudayaan peninggalan nenek moyang, dan agar tidak musnah kita harus terus melestarikannya," kata Bupati Pandeglang Erwan Kurtubi.

Melestarikan kebudayaan, kata dia, perlu dukungan semua pihak, termasuk warga. Apalagi kebudayaan tersebut hidup dan berkembang di tengah masyarakat.

Bantuan dari masyarakat dalam melestarikan kebudayaan, kata dia, terus mempertahankan budaya yang ada, dan mengajarkannya pada generasi muda yang ada di lingkungan setempat.

Kabupaten Pandeglang, kata dia, memiliki banyak kebudayaan yang sampai saat ini masih hidup di tengah masyarakat, di antaranya Rampak Bedug atau lebih dikenal dengan Ngadu Bedug. 

Rampak Bedug ini bahkan telah menjadi seni budaya khas Pandeglang yang sudah dikenal baik nasional maupun internasional.

Rampak Bedug merupakan suatu demo atau atraksi keahlian untuk ketahanan dan seni alam menabuh bedug berukuran besar yang biasanya jumlahnya delapan atau 12 unit.

Seni tabuh bedug itu dikombinasikan dengan tingtit atau bedug berukuran kecil yang `bertindak` sebagai pemandu.

Mengiringi irama yang di hasilkan dari atraksi Rampak Bedug biasanya juga di ikuti dengan gerak tubuh dari para penabuh yang mengikuti lagu yang di mainkan.

Adapun lagu yang biasa di mainkan di antaranya pingping cak-cak, nangtang, celementre, rurudatan, antingsela, sela gunung, kelapa samanggar, tengtot dan papatong bapak. [sumber:]